Sep 17, 2008

Iftar @al-Bukhary

Masjid al-Bukhary is situated at Jalan Hang Tuah in Kuala Lumpur. Tightly located beside the main road and the Monorail track. I was always curious about its beauty everytime I passed by from monorail. So last week I decided to drop by for iftar.

It is fairly new masjid completed sometime last year. It is a modestly build without much expensive materials. Mostly emulsion paint and moulded plaster. It is not air-conditioned and fairly opened so the public could take a peek from the main road and the monorail. Yet with all the thriftiness it still look elegant. Climbing from the side stairway I could see the beauty of the interior shining trough.

I stayed from Maghrib till Isha'. Teraweh was a bit tough in this masjid because there is no air-conditioning and the small fans are too remote. Here is the shot of the jemaah preparing for salah.

The dome also looks impressive even without the usual chandelier.

One thing great about iftar at al-Bukhary is the bubur lambok. It sure gets my vote. The spices help to rejuvenate the long day fasting taste buds. Al-Bukhary will definitely be my frequent place for iftar this Ramadhan.


RB said...

Nicely written

Check my blog at


riya said...

This Masjid is a must to watch. It is bestowed with bounty of beauty.
