Jul 24, 2009

Palm X - 'Black Thing Meeting'

Two weekends ago I attended my gadget Yahoo group - PalmX get together that they casually named 'BTM' or the 'Black Thing Meeting'. It is nothing dark about the occasion except the dark gadgets that we all carry around in our pockets like PDAs, handphones and the likes. Though the Palm hipness has faded the friendship still shines. Nobody flashes their Palm nowadays or even carry it anymore. It was just a reason to get together based on a some common interests like gadgets or even art.

I managed to talk about 'Palestine 3000 A.D.' and showed some futuristic gadgets that I designed. I didn't managed to show all because as usual there are excitements and digressions. But there was some focused moments like above when one of our member talked about Petronas. It was about oil and we just got to listen ;). There are many other casual moments but my camera almost flat battery allowed me to capture only that one shot and it became a moment.

I was informed today that Palmx is 9 years old. Hope there will be many more BTM to come. It all started on a window browsing day in Singapore and I felt in love with the first Palm Pilot. Never realized that 13 years later I ended up with a group of guys in a coffee shop in KL. I am not weird after all. Happy Birthday Palmx.

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