Jan 22, 2012

BVI Class of ‘75 Reunion 2012

1973 perhaps a long time ago when I was young and foolish. Uncertain about many things in my life or what the future may brings. But one thing for sure I wanted to be an artist as a career. Perhaps in my rebellious way I could express myself through my art. But it was not art for art. It was advertising art. Coke was the ‘Real Thing’ and blue jeans was not just something we wear, it was a skin. Advertising looks so exciting then. So I rocked on and joined the first School of Design in Singapore. It was uncannily named Baharuddin Vocational Institute. For the first time in my life I entered an educational institution where people spoke the same language which was art with a slang of insanity. It was a pivotal two years which most of us could not forget. It was more than a school. It was like a home. It was more than schoolmates. We were like family. But through the years of free and easy 70s we never did get high or lost our innocence. We were truly happy. But sadly we have to come to term with the law of time. In mid 1975 we finally graduated and moved on with our lives separately. Though some did stayed together but collectively we never did.

2012 Reunion Group After 37 years we finally got together again for tea and dinner. With the magic of internet we found each other, well almost, for some are still missing or passed on.  But the real magic was not the internet or the electronic media, it was us who made the persistent effort. We may have achieved many great things in our lives  and careers but our friendship worth more than gold. It is priceless. For that night we were truly back in 1975. We were young again in our hearts. May we will be forever young.

Thanks to our lecturers who were standing in the centre of the photo above. From left, Mr Richard Wee, Mr. Wee Chwee Beng and Mr. Loh Khee Yew. We the class of ‘75 salute you Sirs.

Look us up on facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BVI.Class75/