Mar 15, 2008

My Life In Space @MSC Cybercentre

Around the same time last year I was awarded the incubator space at MSC Cybercentre in KL Sentral. This year the people at MDEC is kind enough to offer me another year contract. Just signed it a week ago with the prospect of getting a new funding for the incubatees who are creating original contents. This is one of the highlight of my life. The kind of moments that I like to take snapshots and put it in a picture frame to be remembered for many years to come.
Last year I took several shots of the incubator's interior with my handphone camera, Sony Ericsson W900i, a 2 megapixels resolution. The quality is good but not great for low light shots. Too much colour noises. So last December I bought a Nikon D40x, a 10 megapixels DSLR. Many of the shots that I took recently for this blog were taken by the new Nikon. So I decided to shoot some night scenes of KL Sentral giving the feel of my life at the incubator. Nearly every night working till morning at the incubator, feeling like living in space.

This is block 1B of Plaza Sentral where the incubator is located. It really look like a spaceship from this angle, cruising in space. It was shot at f/22 with exposure time of 3.6 seconds.

This is KL Sentral's train terminal. Many people got confused when I mentioned KL Sentral. Most would think that this is KL Sentral. KL Sentral is actually a development area, a city within a city with the train terminal as its centre piece. Trains from all over converge here, even the KLIA Express to the KL International Airport. The terminal is just next to Plaza Sentral where the incubator is. The two bulidings in the background is Le Meridian and Hilton. The idea is to make it convenient for overseas clients to drop by straight from the airport. There are some nice and expensive restaurants there. But there are many other affordable eating places at the train terminal and also at Sooka Sentral just beside me. Yes this workaholic need to eat in a nice restaurant sometime :). This was shot at f/11 with the exposure time of 2 seconds. You can tell the slow shutter speed by the streak of the train on the track.

This is the walkway that link Plaza Sentral and the train terminal. It is fully sheltered all the way. I can never get wet even when it pours. I could arrive at the airport all dry. Perhaps not just the airport, even the restaurants. At the side there are banners advertising new restaurants at Sooka Sentral. Well not all eat, there is also a big gym that I have just registered with. This place is getting lively during the day. But in the night I am back in my spaceship. I can hear Bowie singing....

"This is Ground Control to Major Tom. You've really made the grade. And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear. Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare.

This is Major Tom to Ground Control. I'm stepping through the door. And I'm floating in a most peculiar way. And the stars look very different today."

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