We are in the middle of January 2010 and still too early to look back on the year. I am not referring to the calendar but the Peter Hyams film '2010: The Year We Make Contact' the sequel to Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey'.
Sequels are usually disappointments. '2010' is one of those. It is a film that shouldn't be made at all. Stanley Kubrick has left his mark on '2001'. Peter Hyams didn't even come close. '2001' is an art film while '2010' is a main stream aiming to make a quick big buck in the age of fast food of 1984. With Roy Scheider in the leading role we are expecting Jaws attacking in outer space anytime. It is a pop-corns and soda entertainment pampered with American patriotism. Soviets were the enemy then and who would have thought that in the year 2010 they are history.
The only name that I respect in '2010' is Syd Mead, the visual futurist. He designed many of the visual concept for '2010'. Though he is my idol but his works for '2010' from my point of view are not his best. His work for Blade Runner which is 2 years prior of '2010' is one of his best. I met Syd Mead in L.A. in 2001 during the Siggraph Conference. He is the gentleman on the right in the photo. Though he was never involved in Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey' but as a visual futurist he was invited to give a talk in a special session remembering that film and 1968 the time of turbulent in United States because of war protests and civil rights movement. Young people then were looking for a better future and '2001: A Space Odyssey' gave a certain hope and a warning message. There should be a balance between science and spiritual. Our intellect is limited by our senses. There are things that are beyond our senses. Outer space is just one big distraction. There are so many things that are going wrong on earth. Yet billion of dollars are spend on distractions not only on outer space but wars.
It was unreal to have a conversation with Syd Mead. He said some people were disappointed with what the future turned out to be. That perhaps separated art from life. I am always for the art. I bought my second Syd Mead book that day, 'SENTURY' and got it autographed. This is one of his illustration for the film '2010' from his book 'OBLAGON'. His signature can be seen clearly here with '2010' just below it. '2010' is the film but not the date of the artwork. It was done in 1984 or probably earlier. There are plenty more in the book but most of it are double spreads and difficult to scan unless I really have to press it hard and flat which might damage the binding. It is just too precious for me.
I had attended Siggraph since 1994 all over United States. I have collected many pins, books, posters, videos and other souvenirs from Siggraph. But the above conference batch is the one that I really treasure most. I have Syd Mead autograph on it next to my name. The date was 17th August 2001, 3 weeks before 9/11 tragedy that changed the future. Liberty is lost and fascism rules finally without any involvement of the Soviet Union. We need a new vision and hope in the cinema. 2010 is not the year we make contact but we remains out of contact and distracted. Stanley Kubrick, we truly miss you.
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