There was no trace of it. Probably it just vaporized. No need to be CSI about it. Lets move on to the millennium. Most of the indicators nowadays are LEDs and some are super bright. I found some of those in my tool box. LEDs work on DC (Direct Current) that has polarity while the original bulb voltage supply of 7 volts is AC (Alternating Current) that has no polarity. All of the bulbs including the bulbs for blue silkscreen panel are AC based. Amazingly those bulbs are still alive after 4 decades. A simple solution of connecting a bridge rectifier to the AC supply did the job coupled with a resistor to the LED. Actually it just need a half bridge but I only have a full bridge in my toolbox. Looking from the top here is the rectifier soldered at the top of the VU meter pins.
Update (19/1/2010): I have found the SX-424 schematics from the net. The voltage supply for the bulbs are DC and not AC. Since I have the full schematics now I can totally overhauled it. More news update in the future.

The resurrection of the receiver is not for rock. Rock is dead long time ago. It is for the Ramadhan month. I really missed the radio especially listening to the Adzan during Iftar. It was a tradition many years ago before TV and video took over our lives and we are glued to the tube.
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