Feb 4, 2007

Living In An Incubator

Finally after months of waiting my company JAZ Multimedia got the 'green light' to move in the Incubator Centre at Plaza Sentral. I am glad that it is fully furnished and quite well done. I just bring in my new laptop and just plug it in for the free Internet access. Well not just a laptop, just bought a new electric thermos for my on going supply of hot tea. For the next two years it is going to be a lot of hard work, 24/7 most likely. Would someone send me a two year supply of Hershey's bars of toffee and nuts nougat :)

Here are a couple of other shots of the Incubator:

@Incubator Centre @Incubator Conference

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rose said...

Salam Abg Jo
Congratulations on your new office.

Johari Aziz said...

Salam rose,

I didn't realize people send comment to my post in February. Thanks