This morning started with something that I dread - rain. It pours really early in the morning. I arrived just in time to take shelter under one of the tents. I don't mind getting wet but the camera may not. But the rain went a way living the rising sun still sleeping behind the clouds. Fortunately the camera can go manual and I can set my exposure. Most of the video shots this morning were under the grey clouds. But the bright sun finally defeated the clouds and the above shot of me was taken. Behind the cheerie smile lies a back ache and tired muscles. Has to withstand this for two more days. Tomorrow will be the 'Ambang Merdeka', a prelude to the actual event and also a reenactment of the actual 1st Merdeka Day.
Today is the first day of Merdaka Day rehearsal. Got to be at Dataran Merdeka by 7 am. Dragging the HD cam and all its accessories on my backpack plus the tripod on my shoulder. I finally got my crew tag from Megat of Pak Ngah Production when I arrived at the location. It was 6+ am and it was still dark but the place was crowded with participants, mostly students and military personnels. I really did not know what the agenda for today but I was given a quick brief. Well who cares, I have my crew tag and I can be anywhere. No one is going to stop me except that big army tank.