On a dark stormy night, in the middle of an angry ocean. Flashes of lightning behind the dark stormy clouds reveals a ghost ship approaching. Shall I continue with this rendering or shall I wash my stained mug, throw away my trash or have a shower? I think my bladder needs more attention. Don't take it so seriously, it's only an ocean created in Maya and clouds in Vue Extreme with the help of Discreet Combustion. All these for 'Stealing Paradise'.
After weeks of experiment, I finally completed the 'Perfect Storm' waves for 'Stealing Paradise'. The challenge is not actually creating the stormy ocean but creating the 'toon shade' on a rendered sequence to blend with the cel characters. The other challenge is to get the proper colour dynamic because the visual is meant for HDTV and film. The mood can't be conveyed on a normal video. I have to turn off the room light to get the feel of this scene. It has also to be viewed on a big wide screen. I have included the full resolution pix if you want to get the idea: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/jaziz52/Works/photo?authkey=VAK17jQqr7U#5059243108144871874
Yesterday I went to KLCC Convention Centre for the launch of MSC Malaysia's IP Creators Challenge Series*. I was there just for the food :) Been working 24/7 and survivng on party nuts and potato chips, a big buffet would be a nice change. Last year I participated under POV and we won. This year I am going in under my own company, JAZ Multmedia. The prize is not much but it's enough to fund the web animation promo for my comic project. The guys at MDEC told me that I can choose any theme I want and there's no real guidline. Now I don't have to crack my brain thinking of a goodie-goodie theme. This time I am Not Trying To Make Nice**.
My 'wife' passed away last night after months of illness. She wasn't responsive as before. Her touchscreen failed many times. I had to rush her to surgery. I couldn't save her. Bleep and she's gone. Her name was Palm TX. She's my fourth 'wife' from the family of Palm. It was a decade of romance but it has to end sometime. It was a special moment when we started. Very few people owns a PDA then. We dated at many airports, restaurants, trains and buses and many quite corners. Yeah life was simple then. No colours, no Bluetooth, no InfraRed, no video, no music, no camera, just the serial port and the stylus was just a cheap plastic. But we had many good times. In this modern times we had too many things but too little time together. I think my PDA years is over. Until something really special comes along, I prefer to remain single, that is PDAless. At this moment I am just happy dating my girlfriend, the Sony Ericsson W900i. Here she is: http://www.sonyericsson.com/trythephone/w900i/en/
Here is my little experiment in line art for my forthcoming comic project. The style is influenced by old political posters. The subject is also a political subject about wars and occupation. I will not be 'acting' in it but my heart is very much into it.
Finally I had the chance to meet 'kakz' as I knew her in rantauan.com. The rest of the rantauan members and I visited her at her family place in Bangi. It was a long drive halfway to Seremban but it seems closer than Ampang :) Incidentlly it was her birthday week and we all celebrated together, the cake and all. Her age? Definitely younger than me. I guess she can comfortably call me AbangJo from now :)